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Mouse GPS Receivers

"...but the SiRF-based GPS's are better. tiny and damn fast fix...cold start typically takes less time than it takes me to hook up and start up the car. and hot start <5-10sec for 3D fix. i even get a fix inside garages sometimes. try that w/ your etrex. however not all SiRF-based GPS's are the same. i've heard bad things about the pharos unit and navman stuff is pretty bad too. if u get a serial GPS make sure it has battery backup of almanac & ephemeris data or it'll take a long time to cold start." - posted By Lincomatic on NS Forum   

"the leadtek is a little wider and flatter.
btw, both of them have magnets so you can stick them to your roof.
one thing i really like about the SiRF GPS's is there is a little utility that lets you tune everything from baud rate to what NMEA sentences it spits out to even the interval of each sentence." - posted By Lincomatic on NS Forum

Billionton CF GPS Receiver

Here's a link to their GPS and to the product details in pdf format
It seems larger than the leadtek but I don't have the specs so I don't know for sure. Here's the phone number of their US office in CA (Cardmus Micro) 909-947-3333. The sales guy's been on the phone for 30+ minutes now...let's see if he calls back.
In a time of recession it's mind-boggling that some companies are just sitting on a hot product and not doing anything to sell it !

Size Comparisons:

Edit - size comparison
Leadtek - 81.50x42.80x11.20x=39.1cc
Billionton - 87.87x42.80x10.40x39.1cc
Same volume, billionton is a tad longer and a tad thinner. So it seems the Leadtek would stick out quite a bit too, that's probably why Leadtek don't show a picture of the GPS in a PPC slot...
For reference the Pharos is:
80.00x57.00x22.00=100cc so it's quite a bit bigger !

GPS Chipset Manufacturers:

more listed in this huge list of "
GPS Receiver Manufacturers, System Integrators, Equipment Suppliers, and Service Providers "